State Plan Activities

Please list any activities that have occurred that support the priorities of the SD Cancer Plan. These should be activities that occurred outside of SD Cancer Coalition efforts. We are asking that you include the organization name that led each activity with the understanding that it will be publicly recognized in our annual report. Your name is only collected in case follow-up is needed for clarification.

  • Reduce tobacco use and exposure
  • Increase healthy, active lifestyles
  • Reduce ultraviolet radiation exposure
  • Reduce exposure to environmental carcinogens
  • Increase HPV vaccination rates
  • Increase risk-appropriate screening for breast cancer
  • Increase risk-appropriate screening for cervical cancer
  • Increase risk-appropriate screening for colorectal cancer
  • Increase risk-appropriate screening for lung cancer
  • Increase participation in cancer clinical trials
  • Promote quality cancer care and supportive services
  • Improve availability and use of advance care planning, palliative care, and end-of-life care services for cancer patients