Request a Letter of Support

The SD Comprehensive Cancer Coalition (SD CCC) is committed to collaborating with partners to reduce the human and economic impact of cancer on South Dakotans. To support this vision, the following protocol was developed for external partners requesting a letter of support from the SD CCC.

Timeline: Requests should be received a minimum of ten business days prior to the requested Letter of Support completion date. Incomplete requests or requests submitted with less than ten business days’ notice are not guaranteed to be reviewed by the review committee.

Please use the Letter of Support Request Form to submit the following:

  • Primary contact and organization information
  • Grant information: name of the funding organization and web address/link for full funding announcement/request for proposal/request for applications
  • An executive summary or abstract of the project proposal that clearly describes the services the applicant proposes to provide and the rationale for these services
  • The date by which your organization requires the letter

A sample letter of support must be included with the completed request form. (The SD CCC reserves the right to revise or rewrite the letter. However, it is the requestor’s responsibility to ensure that all of the required elements are clearly stated in the sample letter.)

Email the completed request form and sample letter of support to:

The SD CCC reserves the right to not provide a letter of support if the request does not conform to the submission guidelines outlined in this protocol or if the proposed project is not consistent with SD CCC priorities. The SD CCC will issue letters of support at the discretion of our review committee.