Fall Meeting 2022
Jill Ireland facilitates the Cancer Center Directors Panel featuring Jennifer Pletan, Katie Van Beek, Kristi Gylten, and Rachel Wagemann.
Nikki Prosch shares about the Move Your Way South Dakota Playbook.
Laura Streich welcomes everyone to the Cancer Coalition Fall Meeting.
Sarah Quail shares about the new GetScreenedSD website that will be launching soon.
David Benson of ACS CAN SD shares a legislative update.
Julie Klinger shares about the role Community Health Workers can play in increasing cancer screening rates.
Matthew McLarty of ACS CAN provides a legislative update.
The HPV Vaccination Task Force begins their action planning session.
The Early Detection Health Equity Task Force begins their action planning session.
The Increasing Healthy, Active Lifestyles Task Force begins action planning for the 2022-2023 year.
2021 Colorectal Cancer Screening Awards
Visit here to learn more about the 2021 Colorectal Cancer Screening Awards.
The Great Plains Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative was named the 2021 Colorectal Cancer Screening Organization of the Year.
Dr. Jacob Quail, Sanford Vermillion Medical Center, was named the 2021 Colorectal Cancer Screening Champion of the Year.
2020 Colorectal Cancer Screening Awards
The Sanford Health Beresford Clinic was named Colorectal Cancer Screening Organization of the Year.
The Sanford Health Canton Clinic was named Colorectal Cancer Screening Organization of the Year.
Dana Olsen and Heather Lee were awarded the Colorectal Cancer Screening Champions of the Year.
Falls Community Health was awarded the Colorectal Cancer Innovator of the Year.
2019 Colorectal Cancer Screening Awards
Vicki Bauer is pictured accepting the 2019 Colorectal Cancer Champion of the Year Award.
Staff from the Sanford Health Watertown Clinic are pictured accepting the 2019 Innovator of the Year Award
Avera Cancer Institute Navigation Center was recognized as the 2019 Colorectal Cancer Organization of the Year.
The 2018 SD Cancer Coalition Fall Meeting took place Wednesday, September 26, at the Highland Conference Center in Mitchell, SD. See below for photos taken throughout the day.
Maija Rannikko and Allison Hutchinson, Genetic Counselors at Sanford Health, educating attendees on cancer genetic counseling.
David Benson with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network providing a legislative update.
Dr. Daniel Petereit providing an update on the Walking Forward Program.